Life with three, three and under is very interesting!! Aiden and Alaina really like the baby, we do have to watch them as they are a little too rough with her sometimes, and Aiden has tried to pick her up once. I have ventured out with them by myself once just a quick trip to Target it was we'll interesting! I don’t know if shopping with the 3 by myself will be happening ever again in the near future! I had Alaina in the front seat of the cart, Audrey in her car seat in the basket and Aiden walking. Which left no room for anything in the cart, and I know Alaina wouldn’t sit in the cart not being in the seat!! It wasn’t too bad but not something easily done by yourself! I kept getting pitty looks too! People would say “WOW you have your hands fulls” I would just smile and say “yeah I do”.
I have a few years of my hands being full so I best get used to it! I will basically be potty training for the next 2-3 years, dealing with the “terrible twos” for awhile. Funny how Aiden is 3 now but still the terrible twos make a comeback ever once in awhile. I was sure as soon as he had cake on his 3rd birthday it would be the end!
It will all be gone before I know it! In no time Aiden will be starting Kindergarten and the other two will soon follow. Time with your kids goes by so fast, they grow up so quickly. I have learned that in the 3 short years I have been a Mom.
So welcome to the Family Audrey!! You will make our life’s very interesting, and while difficult at times we are looking forward to it! My kids will be close and get to grow up together, after all having siblings means you have best friends for life!

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