If you don't already have stockings make some! I chose to make some out of felt! I did red and green for the boy's and red and white for the girls! I did ours pretty simple, but love how they turned out! You can make your own pattern or find a free one online! If you need inspirations check out THIS!
You can also be creative in the way you hang your stockings up! Not all of us have a fireplace mantle to put them on! I am lucky to have a husband that works in the woodworking industry and he made me a great plaque at work! It says The stockings were hung.. and then Daddy Mommy and the kids names! HERE are some idea you may want to try! My little brother is living with us this year so I made him a stocking as we'll! He will hang in Audrey's spot as she won't be here until February.
So make those stockings and find a creative way to hang them up!
If you don't already have stockings make some! I chose to make some out of felt! I did red and green for the boy's and red and white for the girls! I did ours pretty simple, but love how they turned out! You can make your own pattern or find a free one online! If you need inspirations check out THIS!
You can also be creative in the way you hang your stockings up! Not all of us have a fireplace mantle to put them on! I am lucky to have a husband that works in the woodworking industry and he made me a great plaque at work! It says The stockings were hung.. and then Daddy Mommy and the kids names! HERE are some idea you may want to try! My little brother is living with us this year so I made him a stocking as we'll! He will hang in Audrey's spot as she won't be here until February.
So make those stockings and find a creative way to hang them up!
OMG I love the rack!! He should sell them!