I don't know about you but having things on a list helps me! Especially when I print it out and stick it on the fridge or some place I will see it everyday! So I have revamped our Family's daily schedule and my cleaning list! Now I just have to make sure I use them everyday!! This is a problem for me!! I have great intentions and plan on doing it everyday and then I slack off! I usually do great for a week or two. Not anymore I am going to really focus on ding it daily! Having a cleaning list split into things to do daily, one room per day for big stuff and then weekly things as we'll helps me to get everything I need to done. A daily schedule helps me stay on track as a Stay at home mom! It is so easy to get distracted by the computer or T.V. in stead of doing things that need to be done!
So my challenge to you is to make lists! Whatever you need to accomplish!
Here is my Cleaning list, use it and change it to your needs if you like!
Making a daily schedule!
~First take a look at your day and what you do with the kids daily. Think about problem areas like times when the kids get restless or start acting up what can you add or change there to make the day go smoother?
~Second figure out what you want to accomplish each day. Certain nap times, dinner at a certain time, bed and bath time, homework (if you have older kids), cleaning time, family time etc. Balance activities with rest, you don;t want to pack too much into the day and have cranky kids.
~Third Get it in writing!! Whatever will work best for you! A poster board where you have it written in marker, a dry erase board, chalk board, computer print out whatever will work best for you and your family! If your kids are young they won;t understand it but if they are older put it where they can see it and tell them you are now going to follow it everyday! They may not like it and it may be hard adjusting at first but you will all be better for it in the end! Starting when the kid are young make it much easier!
~Fourth Do the schedule for a week at least. Remind the kids to look at it and see what is on the schedule to do now. Be firm and make the whole family stick to it for the week.
~Fifth after the week is over take a look at how it went. If you need to change some things go ahead and change them and make a new schedule! It will probably take some adjusting but once you get through the first few weeks you will love how smooth things run! It will become second nature and everyone will just do it without thinking about it.
Good luck!! Post and let me know how it goes!! You can post your family schedule if you like also! This is what our looks like!
Daily Schedule
5:00 AM ~Daddy wakes up and goes to work
7:30 AM ~Aiden & Alaina wake up
8:00 AM ~Breakfast
9:00 AM ~Playtime
10:00 AM ~Sesame Street
11:00 AM ~Preschool activity
12:00 PM ~Lunch
1-3 PM ~Nap time for Aiden and Alaina (clean-up/mommy time)
4:00 PM ~Get dinner ready
5:00 PM ~Dinner
6-7 PM ~Family Time
7:00 PM ~Bath Time
8:00 PM ~Alaina's Bedtime
9:00 PM ~Aiden's Bedtime
Can't wait to hear how your scheduling goes!
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